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Our solutions


First we listen and understand what you need.

Then we guide, facilitate, and bring out innovation and ideation from your team.

Together we hone it into a values and goals driven achievable plan
Provide you with an active tracking document to keep focused.

We catch up with twice over the year to celebrate your accomplishments, and reshape your goals if necessary.

Want to really deliver?

Book us for team or individual coaching to keep you on track and aligned to your values.

Leadership Institute

Work with us today!

Coaching for transformative leadership 1:1 coaching for leaders creates time and space to focus on personal growth, goal setting, and helps you develop the leadership skills and styles that are both honest to who you are, and meet the needs of your team.

Our leadership coaching offers a combination of intensive 1:1 coaching session, identification for learning and growth, and a series of short 15 minute check ins when you need

Get started!

The Feminist Campaign School

Local government has long been represented by the same people. But as our communities diversify, so should our leadership. We work with values-aligned candidates to run and win in their local government.

The Barriers Report

It’s not enough just to support people to run and win in local government. The process of serving is designed by and for well-to-do able bodied white men with plenty of time to spare. This needs to change. Help us make that happen.


Our workshops are available in person or online and are designed to be delivered in 2 to 4 hours. We provide pre and post workshop surveys to measure impact, and follow up emails to support the actions taken by participants in the workplace and in the community.

More than just professional development – it’s action.

Know what to say when the moment stikes!

Yikes! Something has gone wrong and you need to respond in a hurry. We will work with you to develop key messages for media and for internal purposes, train your team on how to speak to media or host a townhall-style discussion, and create a response strategy that is easy to follow.

We never know when a crisis is going to strike so it’s even better if you have a pre-established plan that creates a ladder for responding. We will help you develop this preemptively or after you’ve already gone through the process before. Being prepared feels good and we will support you develop a plan that you can roll out at a moment’s notice.

This workshop includes dialogue, small group work, and active documenting so you walk away with a plan in hand.

Want to go deeper? Talk to us about how to get on our call-in-the-moment program.

It’s not enough to just refer issues to HR or management. Know how you can be an effective bystander.

Learning outcomes:

  • Know how to identify harrassment
  • know what not to do when you witness harassment
  • Understand the 5 Ds of being an active bystanders
  • Real-time practice

Learn effective tools for calling someone in after they have said or done something that has caused harm
How to hear the call-in and accept it
Create a plan for receiving feedback
Real-time practice

Giving feedback only works when you understand what it means to have a space where we hold ourselves accountable for our behaviour.

What is harmful behaviour
What does it look like/sound like?
The difference between calling in vs calling out
The discomfort of addressing it
Practice makes it easier

We'd love to work with you

We work from the unceded and unsurrendered territory of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ speaking peoples.

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